Friday, August 6, 2010

Beauty Is In The Eye Of The Beholder

Once a client recognizes that a supplier has the exact skills needed for the project and the supplier recognizes the opportunity they have with that potential client, what else helps to cement that business relationship between the two? ...The x-factor - an intangible connection, a mutual understanding, trust, honesty, a kindred vision and personalities that work well together.

When you've found that connection, don't let others persuade you otherwise! If they try, it's probably because they didn't have the same connection as you did and that's OK. Not every business relationship is the same. You just have to remember not to be that person who does the "persuading otherwise". If you are, then be certain that you've discredited yourself.

Your friend has just found the person of their dreams and for months, you've heard nothing but wonderful things about them, but when you finally meet them, you decide they aren't your type. That's correct...they're not your type, they're your friend's type. It's not about you, it's about them. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, so why would you want to be the one who comes between true love.

There are just as many clients as there are suppliers who can equally deliver, so concentrate on finding your own business relationships with that x-factor without destroying someone else's connection.

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