Tuesday, January 11, 2011

What Are You Watering In Your Garden?

When you're a little fish in the pond of big businesses, it easy to get caught up in the hype of a potential customer, but have you taken the time to evaluate the quality of your new lead?

Like everything in business, and in life for that matter; the things that grow the most, are the things you give the most attention to. If you give much attention to a good customer, whom you respect and who respects you, then the possibility of growing that relationship into more business and possible referrals, is great. On the other hand, if you have a potential customer that doesn't share your business values and you give them much attention, they will inevitably grow into a potential "problem customer".

If you water grass, your grass will grow green and lush. If you water weeds, the weeds will grow big and strong and take over your entire garden. If your garden is full of weeds, no one will want to visit.

It's simple. Concentrate on the type of customers you want to have.

Keep Swimming Little Fish!

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